About April 4
April 4, 2025 is the 94th day of the year 2025 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 271 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Friday.
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Aries is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Diamond is the modern birthstone for this month. Opal is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 319 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
What Happened On April 4
- 1081 –Alexios I Komnenos is crowned Byzantine emperor at Constantinople, bringing the Komnenian dynasty to full power.
- 1812 –U.S. President James Madison enacted a ninety-day embargo on trade with the United Kingdom.
- 1814 –Napoleon abdicates for the first time.
- 1850 –Los Angeles, California is incorporated as a city.
- 1865 –American Civil War: A day after Union forces capture Richmond, Virginia, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln visits the Confederate capital.
- 1866 –Alexander II of Russia narrowly escapes an assassination attempt in the city of Kiev.
- 1873 –The Kennel Club is founded, the oldest and first official registry of purebred dogs in the world.
- 1887 –Argonia, Kansas elects Susanna M. Salter as the first female mayor in the United States.
- 1905 –In India, the 1905 Kangra earthquake hits the Kangra valley, kills 20,000, and destroys most buildings in Kangra, Mcleodganj and Dharamshala
- 1944 –World War II: First bombardment of Bucharest by Anglo-American forces kills 3000 civilians.
- 1945 –World War II: American troops capture Kassel.
- 1949 –Twelve nations sign the North Atlantic Treaty creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- 1960 –France agrees to grant independence to the Mali Federation, a union of Senegal and French Sudan.
- 1968 –Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated by James Earl Ray at a motel in Memphis, Tennessee.
- 1969 –Dr. Denton Cooley implants the first temporary artificial heart.
- 1976 –Prince Norodom Sihanouk resigns as leader of Cambodia and is placed under house arrest.
- 1983 –Space Shuttle Challenger makes its maiden voyage into space (STS-6).
- 1988 –Governor Evan Mecham of Arizona is convicted in his impeachment trial and removed from office.
- 1991 –Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania and six others are killed when a helicopter collides with their plane over an elementary school in Merion, Pennsylvania.
- 1994 –Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark found Netscape Communications Corporation under the name “Mosaic Communications Corporation”.
Is this your birthday? Are you not curious to learn who shares your special day? Find out the April 4 famous birthdays and expand your knowledge today. (Sponsored link)
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