About December 30, 1947

December 30, 1947 is the 364th day of the year 1947 in the Gregorian calendar. There is one day remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Tuesday.

You can browse the full year 1947 calendar in case you need it.

A person born on this day will be 76 years old today. (Assuming this person is still alive and kicking)

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Capricorn is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Turquoise is the modern birthstone for this month. Onyx is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.

Pig is the mythical animal and Fire is the element for a person born on this day if we consider the very old art of Chinese astrology (or Chinese zodiac).

What Happened On December 30, 1947

  • 1947
    King Michael of Romania is forced to abdicate by the Soviet Union-backed Communist government of Romania.

Who Were Born On December 30, 1947?

  • 1947
    Jeff Lynne, English musician (ELO)
  • 1947
    Michael Burns, American historian
  • 1947
    Steve Mix, American basketball player

Who Died On December 30, 1947?

  • 1947
    Alfred North Whitehead, English mathematician and philosopher (b. 1861)
  • 1947
    Han van Meegeren, Dutch painter, portraitist and art forger (b. 1889)

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