About July 20

July 20, 2025 is the 201st day of the year 2025 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 164 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Sunday.

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Cancer is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Ruby is the modern birthstone for this month. Ruby is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.

According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 212 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.

What Happened On July 20

  • 1304
    Wars of Scottish Independence: Fall of Stirling Castle – King Edward I of England takes the stronghold using the War Wolf.
  • 1402
    Ottoman-Timurid Wars: Battle of Ankara – Timur, ruler of Timurid Empire, defeats forces of the Ottoman Empire sultan Bayezid I.
  • 1807
    Nicéphore Niépce is awarded a patent by Napoleon Bonaparte for the Pyréolophore, the world’s first internal combustion engine, after it successfully powered a boat upstream on the river Saône in France.
  • 1810
    Citizens of Bogotá, New Granada declare independence from Spain.
  • 1922
    The League of Nations awards mandates of Togoland to France and Tanganyika to the United Kingdom.
  • 1934
    1934 West Coast waterfront strike: In Seattle, police fire tear gas on and club 2,000 striking longshoremen. The governor of Oregon calls out the National Guard to break a strike on the Portland docks.
  • 1934
    Labor unrest in the U.S.: as police in Minneapolis fire upon striking truck drivers, during the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934, killing two and wounding sixty-seven.
  • 1935
    Switzerland: A Royal Dutch Airlines plane en route from Milan to Frankfurt crashes into a Swiss mountain, killing thirteen.
  • 1940
    Denmark leaves the League of Nations.
  • 1944
    World War II: Adolf Hitler survives an assassination attempt led by German Army Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg.
  • 1951
    King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian while attending Friday prayers in Jerusalem.
  • 1954
    Germany: Otto John, head of West Germany’s secret service, defects to East Germany.
  • 1960
    Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) elects Sirimavo Bandaranaike Prime Minister, the world’s first elected female head of government.
  • 1969
    Apollo Program: Apollo 11 successfully makes the first manned landing on the Moon in the Sea of Tranquility. Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first humans to walk on another world almost 7 hours later.
  • 1976
    The American Viking 1 lander successfully lands on Mars.
  • 1977
    Johnstown, Pennsylvania is hit by a flash flood that kills eighty and causes $350 million in damage.
  • 1977
    The Central Intelligence Agency releases documents under the Freedom of Information Act revealing it had engaged in mind control experiments.
  • 1985
    The government of Aruba passes legislation to secede from the Netherlands Antilles.
  • 1989
    Burma’s ruling junta puts opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest.
  • 1999
    Falun Gong is banned in the People’s Republic of China, and a large scale crackdown of the practice is launched.

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