About June 16
June 16, 2024 is the 168th day of the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 198 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Sunday.
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Gemini is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Pearl is the modern birthstone for this month. Moonstone is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 227 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
What Happened On June 16
- 363 –Emperor Julian marches back up the Tigris and burns his fleet of supply ships. During the withdrawal Roman forces suffering several attacks from the Persians.
- 1487 –Battle of Stoke Field, the final engagement of the Wars of the Roses.
- 1774 –Foundation of Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
- 1779 –Spain declares war on the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the Great Siege of Gibraltar begins.
- 1795 –First Battle of Groix otherwise known as “Cornwallis’ Retreat”.
- 1836 –The formation of the London Working Men’s Association gives rise to the Chartist Movement.
- 1897 –A treaty annexing the Republic of Hawaii to the United States is signed; the Republic would not be dissolved until a year later.
- 1903 –Roald Amundsen commences the first east-west navigation of the Northwest Passage, leaving Oslo, Norway.
- 1904 –Irish author James Joyce begins a relationship with Nora Barnacle and subsequently uses the date to set the actions for his novel Ulysses; this date is now traditionally called “Bloomsday”.
- 1911 –A 772 gram stony meteorite strikes the earth near Kilbourn, Wisconsin damaging a barn.
- 1911 –IBM founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York.
- 1922 –General election in the Irish Free State: the pro-Treaty Sinn Féin win a large majority.
- 1930 –Sovnarkom establishes decree time in the USSR.
- 1940 –A Communist government is installed in Lithuania.
- 1940 –World War II: Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain becomes Chief of State of Vichy France (Chef de l'État Français).
- 1961 –Rudolf Nureyev defects from the Soviet Union.
- 1963 –Soviet Space Program: Vostok 6 Mission – Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space.
- 1972 –The largest single-site hydro-electric power project in Canada is inaugurated at Churchill Falls, Labrador.
- 1989 –Imre Nagy, the former Hungarian Prime Minister, is reburied in Budapest.
- 2000 –Israel complies with UN Security Council Resolution 425 after 22 years of it issuance, which calls on Israel to completely withdraw from Lebanon. Israel withdraws from all of Lebanon, except the disputed Shebaa Farms.
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