About June 28
June 28, 2025 is the 179th day of the year 2025 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 186 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Saturday.
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Cancer is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Pearl is the modern birthstone for this month. Moonstone is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 234 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
June 28: More About This Day
In common years it is always in ISO week 26.
This date is the only date each year where both the month and day are different perfect numbers, June 6 being the only date where the month and day are the same perfect number.
What Happened On June 28
- 1098 –Fighters of the First Crusade defeat Kerbogha of Mosul.
- 1389 –Battle of Kosovo took place, between Serbian and Ottoman army.
- 1519 –Charles V is elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
- 1776 –American Revolutionary War: Thomas Hickey, Continental Army private and bodyguard to General George Washington, is hanged for mutiny and sedition.
- 1778 –American Revolutionary War: Battle of Monmouth is fought between the American Continental Army under George Washington and the British Army led by Sir Henry Clinton.
- 1838 –Coronation of Victoria of the United Kingdom.
- 1846 –The saxophone is patented by Adolphe Sax in Paris, France.
- 1881 –Secret treaty between Austria and Serbia.
- 1883 –In Milan in Italy inaugurated the first central European electricity power station.
- 1895 –Court of Private Land Claims rules James Reavis claim to Barony of Arizona is “wholly fictitious and fraudulent”.
- 1902 –The U.S. Congress passes the Spooner Act, authorizing President Theodore Roosevelt to acquire rights from Colombia for the Panama Canal.
- 1904 –The SS Norge runs aground and sinks
- 1914 –Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his wife Sophie are assassinated in Sarajevo by young Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip, the casus belli of World War I.
- 1948 –Boxer Dick Turpin beats Vince Hawkins at Villa Park in Birmingham to become the first black British boxing champion in the modern era.
- 1948 –The Cominform circulates the “Resolution on the situation in the Communist Party of Yugoslavia”; Yugoslavia is expelled from the Communist bloc.
- 1950 –Hangang Bridge bombing: Korean War.
- 1967 –Israel annexes East Jerusalem.
- 1969 –Stonewall Riots begin in New York City marking the start of the Gay Rights Movement.
- 2001 –Slobodan Milošević deported to ICTY to stand trial.
- 2004 –Sovereign power is handed to the interim government of Iraq by the Coalition Provisional Authority, ending the U.S.-led rule of that nation.
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