About March 22

March 22, 2024 is the 82nd day of the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 284 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Friday.

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Aries is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Aquamarine is the modern birthstone for this month. Jade is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.

According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 313 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.

What Happened On March 22

  • 238
    Gordian I and his son Gordian II are proclaimed Roman Emperors.
  • 1622
    Jamestown massacre: Algonquian Indians kill 347 English settlers around Jamestown, Virginia, a third of the colony’s population.
  • 1739
    Nadir Shah occupies Delhi in India and sacks the city, stealing the jewels of the Peacock Throne.
  • 1765
    The British Parliament passes the Stamp Act that introduces a tax to be levied directly on its American colonies.
  • 1809
    Charles XIII succeeds Gustav IV Adolf to the Swedish throne.
  • 1829
    The three protecting powers (United Kingdom, France and Russia) establish the borders of Greece.
  • 1873
    A law is approved by the Spanish National Assembly in Puerto Rico to abolish slavery.
  • 1888
    In England, The Football League, the world’s oldest professional Association Football league, is founded.
  • 1916
    The last Emperor of China, Yuan Shikai, abdicates the throne and the Republic of China is restored.
  • 1942
    World War II: In the Mediterranean Sea, the Royal Navy confronts Italy’s Regia Marina in the Second Battle of Sirte.
  • 1960
    Arthur Leonard Schawlow and Charles Hard Townes receive the first patent for a laser
  • 1972
    The United States Congress sends the Equal Rights Amendment to the states for ratification.
  • 1975
    A fire at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant in Decatur, Alabama causes a dangerous reduction in cooling water levels.
  • 1982
    NASA’s Space Shuttle Columbia, is launched from the Kennedy Space Center on its third mission, STS-3.
  • 1989
    Clint Malarchuk of the Buffalo Sabres suffers a near-fatal injury when another player accidentally slits his throat.
  • 1992
    USAir Flight 405 crashes shortly after liftoff from New York City’s LaGuardia Airport, leading to a number of studies into the effect that ice has on aircraft.
  • 1997
    Tara Lipinski, age 14 years and 10 months, becomes the youngest champion women’s World Figure Skating Champion.
  • 1997
    The Comet Hale-Bopp has its closest approach to Earth.
  • 2006
    Three Christian Peacemaker Team hostages are freed by British forces in Baghdad after 118 days of captivity and the death of their colleague, American Tom Fox.
  • 2009
    Mount Redoubt, a volcano in Alaska begins erupting after a prolonged period of unrest.

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