About November 4
November 4, 2025 is the 308th day of the year 2025 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 57 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Tuesday.
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Scorpio is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Topaz is the modern birthstone for this month. Pearl is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 105 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
What Happened On November 4
- 1501 –Catherine of Aragon (later Henry VIII’s first wife) meets Arthur Tudor, Henry VIII’s older brother – they would later marry.
- 1576 –Eighty Years’ War: In Flanders, Spain captures Antwerp (after three days the city is nearly destroyed).
- 1783 –W.A. Mozart’s Symphony No. 36 is performed for the first time in Linz, Austria.
- 1791 –The Western Confederacy of American Indians wins a major victory over the United States in the Battle of the Wabash.
- 1852 –Count Camillo Benso di Cavour becomes the prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia, which soon expands to become Italy.
- 1864 –American Civil War: Battle of Johnsonville – Confederate troops bombard a Union supply base and destroy millions of dollars in material.
- 1890 –City & South London Railway: London’s first deep-level tube railway opens between King William Street and Stockwell.
- 1918 –World War I: Austria-Hungary surrenders to Italy.
- 1921 –Japanese Prime Minister Hara Takashi is assassinated in Tokyo.
- 1944 –World War II: Bitola Liberation Day
- 1952 –The United States government establishes the National Security Agency.
- 1955 –After being destroyed in World War II, the rebuilt Vienna State Opera reopens with a performance of Beethoven’s Fidelio.
- 1956 –Soviet troops enter Hungary to end the Hungarian revolution against the Soviet Union, that started on October 23. Thousands are killed, more are wounded, and nearly a quarter million leave the country.
- 1962 –In a test of the Nike-Hercules air defense missile, Shot Dominic-Tightrope is successfully detonated 69,000 feet above Johnston Island. It would also be the last atmospheric nuclear test conducted by the United States.
- 1970 –Vietnam War: Vietnamization – The United States turns control of the Binh Thuy Air Base in the Mekong Delta over to South Vietnam.
- 1979 –Iran hostage crisis begins: a group of Iranians, mostly students, invades the US embassy in Tehran and takes 90 hostages (53 of whom are American).
- 1994 –San Francisco: First conference that focuses exclusively on the subject of the commercial potential of the World Wide Web.
- 1995 –Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by an extremist Orthodox Israeli.
- 2002 –Chinese authorities arrest cyber-dissident He Depu for signing a pro-democracy letter to the 16th Communist Party Congress.
- 2008 –Proposition 8 passes in California, revoking state recognition of LGBT marriages.
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