About September 22
September 22, 2024 is the 266th day of the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 100 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Sunday.
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Virgo is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Sapphire is the modern birthstone for this month. Agate is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 129 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
September 22: More About This Day
It is frequently the day of the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the day of the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.
What Happened On September 22
- 1236 –The Lithuanians and Semigallians defeat the Livonian Brothers of the Sword in the Battle of Saule.
- 1499 –Treaty of Basel: Switzerland becomes an independent state.
- 1692 –Last people hanged for witchcraft in Britain’s North American colonies.
- 1784 –Russia establishes a colony at Kodiak, Alaska.
- 1789 –Battle of Rymnik establishes Alexander Suvorov as a pre-eminent Russian military commander after his allied army defeat superior Ottoman Empire forces.
- 1823 –Joseph Smith, Jr. states he found the Golden plates on this date after being directed by God through the Angel Moroni to the place where they were buried.
- 1866 –Battle of Curupaity in the War of the Triple Alliance.
- 1908 –The independence of Bulgaria is proclaimed.
- 1910 –The Duke of York’s Picture House opens in Brighton, now the oldest continually operating cinema in Britain.
- 1919 –The steel strike of 1919, led by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, begins in Pennsylvania before spreading across the United States.
- 1927 –Jack Dempsey loses the “Long Count” boxing match to Gene Tunney.
- 1939 –Joint victory parade of Wehrmacht and Red Army in Brest-Litovsk at the end of the Invasion of Poland.
- 1941 –World War II: On Jewish New Year Day, the German SS murder 6,000 Jews in Vinnytsya, Ukraine. Those are the survivors of the previous killings that took place a few days earlier in which about 24,000 Jews were executed.
- 1955 –In the United Kingdom, the television channel ITV goes live for the first time.
- 1965 –The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 (also known as the Second Kashmir War) between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, ends after the UN calls for a cease-fire.
- 1975 –Sara Jane Moore tries to assassinate U.S. President Gerald Ford, but is foiled by Oliver Sipple.
- 1991 –The Dead Sea Scrolls are made available to the public for the first time by the Huntington Library.
- 1993 –A barge strikes a railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama, causing the deadliest train wreck in Amtrak history. 47 passengers are killed.
- 1994 –the Nordhordland Bridge was opened across the Salhusfjorden between Klauvaneset and Flatøy in Hordaland, Norway. It has no lateral anchorage because of the depth of Salhusfjorden.
- 2003 –David Hempleman-Adams becomes the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean in an open-air, wicker-basket hot air balloon.
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